
Plastic Egg Wreath

I saw a sweet spring/Easter wreath on Pinterest, and decided to give it a shot. In all, it cost me less than seven bucks for the supplies, it was simple and fun to make, and I am very happy with the result.
Festive, yes?

You can customize the wreath based on your color and style preferences by your choice of ribbon/bow, color of Easter grass, and color/design of eggs you use. I even saw plastic eggs that were decorated like baseballs this year at Walmart.

See the original wreath here. Cindi Butler, general crafty chick and author of the post this idea came from gives excellent step by step instructions for the wreath on her blog. It looks like she had a blast making theses wreaths with her friends.


Scoop, scoopin poo, scoopin poopy doopy doo.

I'm back....

I offer all the excuse I believe I need - my ADHD diagnosis (and extreme bouts of procrastination).

So eight months ago, I finally bought a farm after boarding my alpacas for four and a half years. I've been adjusting to my new rural lifestyle, and I think I'm taking to it quite well. My new duties (tee hee) include picking up after my alpacas, and I've noticed an interesting phenomenon. Shoveling poo doesn't tend to take much brain power, so while I clean the barn, my mind tends to wander.

Often I catch myself singing, usually by changing words of songs to reflect the task at hand. Dolly Parton's "Traveling Through" now goes, "I'm just shoveling, shoveling, shoveling, shoveling, shoveling poo."

"I've Been Working on the Railroad" becomes "I've been scooping up alpaca poo, all the live-long day."

"Boot Scootin' Boogie" takes on a whole new meaning, and any song with "shoop" is fair game.

Luckily, my neighbors are far enough away to hear me (I hope), and I don't usually get any unexpected visitors. Wonder what I'll be serenading my herd with tonight.